What Kind of Tree Are You? Part 2

Delivered by Randy Smith
November 8, 2020
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Key Verses

Matthew 21:17-22

This message is part two of a sermon delivered back in October, which posed the question “What kind of tree are you?

In this second part of the message, Rev. Smith dives deeper into what it means to be a true ambassador of Christ. He stresses that Christians are to be actively working for God. It’s not enough to give lip service and say that we love God and that we believe that He will make a way for us.

Even in the time of the pandemic, God expects us to go to work for Him spreading the Gospel. Just because the coronavirus has prevented many churches from opening their doors, it doesn’t mean that we can’t be the church.

Don’t tell God about your storms and your troubles. Tell your storms and troubles about your God!

Rev. Randy Smith, Keeping It Real Ministries

It doesn’t mean that we need to let our guard down and stop acting like Christians. It doesn’t mean we need to stop praying. It doesn’t mean we need to stop believing. It doesn’t mean we should stop giving and supporting each other. It doesn’t mean we should stop reading the Word. It doesn’t mean we need to stop walking in faith.

It’s in times of great turmoil and tragedy that it’s more necessary than ever that we go to work for God. In these times, we should work harder for the One who sacrificed His only son so that we can have the chance to live.

Full Church Service

(Devotional reading came from Psalms 15:1-12. Click here for this day’s announcements.)

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Randy Smith

Randy Smith

Rev. Randy Smith is the pastor and founder of Keeping It Real Ministries in Crawfordsville, AR. The mission of Keeping It Real Ministries is to be an engaging and inspirational ministry that wins souls for Christ. Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/kirministriescrawfordsville/
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