crucifixion of Jesus

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Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

Torn and Broken, but Not Defeated

In this sermon, we are reassured that even after we go through a painful moment in our lives, it’s not the end. It may leave us feeling defeated and broken, but it is not the end. We are not defeated.

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Paint Specs. Dirty Glasses.

Paint Specs. Dirty Glasses.

Everyone sins; no matter how big or small. This is why God sent His son down and sacrificed Him for us. But, how much does we sin?  In this sermon we learn how much we sin.  We also understand why it was necessary for God to sacrifice Jesus because of how often we sin.

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Jesus Is the Way

Jesus Is the Way

Jesus is the only way to eternal life. In this message, we learn that there is no other way to get to Heaven unless we go through God’s son, Jesus.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.

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The Best is Yet to Come

The Best is Yet to Come

The best is yet to come… Jesus is coming back! But, are you ready for when he comes back? In this sermon, we’re taught what it takes to get our souls ready for Jesus’ return so that we can meet Him in the middle of the air and spend the rest of our lives with Him.

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