The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Delivered by Randy Smith
December 13, 2020
Home » sermons » The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Key Verses

Matthew 2:1-3

Do you expect a gift from God? Or, do you give to God daily? Which one do you think is the wise choice?

In this Christmas-time message, we’re implored to follow the example of the Magi – the wise men who sought after Christ to give Him a gift worthy of a king. God gave us the gift of Christ, which is more than enough.

It’s our turn to give like the Magi. We ought to be like the Magi. We should seek God and praise, worship, and honor Him with enthusiasm.

We should also remember that God’s gift of Christ is the real reason for celebrating the Christmas season.

Full Church Service

(Devotional reading came from Matthew 1:18-25. The Pastor made this announcement about end of the year activities!)

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Randy Smith

Randy Smith

Rev. Randy Smith is the pastor and founder of Keeping It Real Ministries in Crawfordsville, AR. The mission of Keeping It Real Ministries is to be an engaging and inspirational ministry that wins souls for Christ. Learn more at
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