Battle Ready: Staying in Contact with Headquarters

Delivered by Cortez Stegall
August 23, 2020
Home » sermons » Battle Ready: Staying in Contact with Headquarters

Key Verses

Ephesians 6:18-20 (AMP), Romans 8:31

Do you have your spiritual armor on? Are you wearing the full armor of God?

Did you know that nothing can separate you from God?

God is always with us, no matter what is going on in our lives. But, we must do out part, too.

We have to be sure that we have the whole armor of God. The armor that Paul talks about is important to protect us from the evils of this world.

Every day is a spiritual fight. Spiritual warfare. Just like in physical wars, it’s important for us to also to stay in contact with the headquarters for our marching orders.

How do Christians stay in contact with their spiritual headquarters? We must stay prayerful. We learn in this message how important prayer is in our spiritual fight with the enemy.

Full Church Service

(Devotional came from James 3:5-8)

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Cortez Stegall

Cortez Stegall

Cortez Stegall is the Senior Pastor at New St. James M. B. Church.
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