A Good Man

Delivered by Randy Smith
June 21, 2020
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Key Verses

1 King 2:1-4, Proverbs 13:22-24, Proverbs 3:9-10, Deuteronomy 28:12-13, 2 Samuel 7, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:17

(Devotional reading came from Proverbs 3)

Can you identify a good man? What are they the characteristics of a good man?

In this Father’s Day message, we learn biblical and practical examples of what it means to be a good man, how to identify one, and how a man can become a good man of God.

Full Church Service

This is the FULL church service if you want to listen to it. It includes music solos, announcements, devotion, and prayers. If you want to just listen to the sermon, just click on the audio bar under “Listen”.

About the Minister

Randy Smith

Randy Smith

Rev. Randy Smith is the pastor and founder of Keeping It Real Ministries in Crawfordsville, AR. The mission of Keeping It Real Ministries is to be an engaging and inspirational ministry that wins souls for Christ. Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/kirministriescrawfordsville/
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